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Interactive Promotional Products


Use Mann Materials to capture more "Top-Of-Mind" market share

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If you ask all of your prospective customers to list the top brand in your industry - would your organisation be the first one that comes to mind?


If the answer is no, perhaps your competitors have their top-of-mind awareness. When prospects think of your competitors first, they will put them in the running for their next purchase decision.


Competitors may decide to place intelligent products in front of their audience. This mean lead to:


+ Prospects become more familiar with the competitor brand

+ Increased trust with the competitor brand

+ Increased brand loyalty with the competitor brand

+ Your marketing becomes less effective

+ Which leads to lost potential customers, lost market share

+ Lost revenue and profits


Top-of-mind awareness is correlated with better sales and marketing results, since customers who are aware of your brand on a regular basis are more likely to purchase your products and think positively about your brand.


Mann Materials allows your brand to be in front of your prospects, no matter where they are in the customer journey. Your prospects use Mann Material Intelligent Products every single week and can see your brand every single day so brand visibility is not buried in emails, social media posts etc.


According to PPAI, the average staying time for an intelligent coffee cup is 12 months and the total impressions is 1400.


A 2500 Mann Materials Intelligent Product campaign is expected to get over 3,500,000 impressions, exponentially increasing both brand awareness and top of mind awareness.


And the most powerful thing about Mann Materials isn’t just top-of-mind with a logo but also there is a clear printed call-to-action (CTA):

Call to actions have a super important job – on one hand their role is to get the prospect to act. On the other hand, it is to directly drive profitable customer action.

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In terms of actual sales, Nielsen’s experience base shows that on average, a 1-point gain in brand metrics such as awareness and consideration drives a 1% increase in sales. While it might be easy to dismiss a single percent as immaterial, a 1% return on sales of $1 billion equates to $10 million, which is far from immaterial.

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